Science / Research

South Arkansas Community College Health Sciences Building

South Arkansas Community College

El Dorado, Arkansas

Master Planning, Programming, Conceptual Design

The conceptual design for this 85,700 square-foot building was based upon completion of a strategic plan and campus master plan for South Arkansas Community College. Its location was based upon the desire to enclose the central core of the campus with the adjacent classroom building, library, and computer technology building.

The detailed program was developed with the administration, faculty, and staff to serve the health sciences including nursing, emergency medical technology, health information technology, medical laboratory technology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, radiologic technology, surgical technology, dental hygiene, and serve the physical sciences including chemistry and biology. The 3-story building has been developed with a series of wings that provide for phased construction and future expansion of the building to work with the current fund raising efforts. It has been laid out on a 10'-8" x 27'-0" building module to promote future flexibility.

  • South Arkansas Community College Health Sciences Building, El Dorado, Arkansas
  • South Arkansas Community College Health Sciences Building, El Dorado, Arkansas